Pharmaceuticals, Biotech and Medical devices

Drawing on our core expertise of scientific, regulatory, and business expertise, we provided customized strategic solutions designed to fit your specific products, stage of development, company size and goals.

Our solutions ensure optimal decisions and actions across brand lifecycle, right from conceptualizing, planning, strategy and execution of an effective launch.

We are good at assessing opportunities, sizing markets, building strategies, brand positioning, managing key stakeholder relationships, with a strong culture of excellence, innovation and quality.

Food, Nutrition and Consumer products

Safety and quality of the food and consumer products are of primary concern to consumers and regulators.

Contributing to consumers' correct information is extremely important and our experienced teams address questions on food, nutrition and consumer products.

We provide services like product information, medical information, product sales management, help lines, consumer surveys and other support services empower consumers to make the informed choices.


USA       : +1 866 879 1354 (toll free)
Europe   : + 49 699 579 6901
Asia       : +91 404 434 6699

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