MakroCare got selected for Poster presentation

Date: 23rd September to 24th September 2014

Venu: Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London Kensington

Country: UK

MakroCare’s poster presentation topic on “Insights from Big data and Social Media: Case study in Medical Affairs” has been selected for inclusion at the 8th Annual European Medical Information and Communications Conference.

As a trusted partner, MakroCare works with its clients to bring insights from Social Media using big data technologies and leveraging custom analytics. We help companies in enhancing their competitive advantage by leveraging upon social listening to improve decision making and to understand, predict and influence consumer behavior. MakroCare helps companies maintain a competitive edge by centralizing Big Data and Social Media analytics to solve complex problems across their organizations. Whatever may be clients needs in Social Media are, we’ll provide them the strategic guidance & execute the project as well.

MakroCare will be presenting its services at DIA 8th European Medical Information and Communications Conference.

About DIA 8th European Medical Information and Communications Conference

Up until now, the DIA European Medical Information and Communications Conference has taken place as part of the Annual DIA Clinical Forum. After several years of continued success with growing attendance and excellent feedback, DIA is organizing this event as a standalone meeting in 2014. Every year, opinion leaders from departments for Medical Information, Medical and Scientific Communication and Medical Affairs gather to share hands-on experience, get up to speed on new technologies and best practices, and network.


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